Chapter 3 – Continuous improvement

3.5. Continuous improvement

Creating a culture that promotes and incorporates improvement activities into day-to-day operations helps to embed change and reinforce new ways of working.   This activity focuses on:

  • Identifying improvement opportunities
  • Developing an improvement opportunity roadmap
  • Implementing the roadmap and evaluating activity for effectiveness.

3.5.1. Continuous improvement – the process

1. Identify opportunities for improvement

  1. Evaluate the current and future state of change, specifically around roles, technology and organisational processes
  2. Review any change impact assessment, stakeholder analysis and any other assessments which would have been done
  3. Discuss opportunities with your project team and other stakeholder groups in a workshop session, focus group or any other convenient medium
  4. Document improvements in the template and validate with the appropriate stakeholder group.

2. Develop and implement continuous improvement road map

Analyse the details from the improvement opportunity exercise previously gathered and other documents to better support your “Continuous improvement,” workshop


The workshop session

  1. Analyse and identify any additional opportunities for improvement
  2. Validate the improvement opportunities previously documented
  3. Agree on a reasonable timeline to implement throughout the project life-cycle.

3. Implement ccontinuous improvement plan and evaluate its effectiveness

  1. Conduct detailed TNA debrief sessions, then develop and agree reporting tools to track and monitor progress
  2. Establish method of measuring progress against the continuous improvement action plan or roadmap
  3. Implement action plan and roadmap, you can discuss with your project team the best ways to roll-out the improvement opportunities
  4. Capture results and collate into a reportable format
  5. Identify further actions to remediate any concerns and risks and track progress.

Evaluation of Effectiveness

  1. Using the agreed method of measuring progress against the continuous improvement action plan or roadmap, the team will evaluate the results:
    • The output are recommendations to improve effectiveness and impact.
    • The results of the evaluation can be discussed and validated with key stakeholders.

1.Use the template as a guide

2.Develop continuous improvement road map and action plan